December 12, 2023

    Hey everyone, it’s this time of the year again, where we exchange gifts with each other, having a feisty meal and doing lots of holiday activities with your loved ones. As for myself, I recently joined the JINGLE U.S POTATOES ALL THE WAY Christmas Workshop where I got to mingle around with new friends, learn to cook and food sculpting based on potatoes. As a foodie myself, it piqued my interest in knowing the essential ingredients that can make good food and this time it’s about U.S potatoes. 

    The JINGLE U.S POTATOES ALL THE WAY Christmas Workshop is a cooking and tasting event based on different types of potatoes from the U.S. along with invited guests and influencers to explore on the journey of getting to know the history and dietary staple they are today. Before this, I always thought that potatoes are just potatoes regardless of their origin but how wrong was I and realised that many people did not know the uniqueness of the U.S potatoes and I’m grateful to have attended the workshop. 

    Before the event started, I get to take beautiful pictures at the photo booth with Christmas decorations also play games like potato tower, where who block the tallest potato tower within the fastest time wins and also word cross. Upon completing the games, I won myself a nice cooler bag.

    The event started by Mr. Eddie Saw, the representatives of U.S Potatoes in Malaysia delivering us a welcome speech and explaining the journey and importance of U.S potatoes. 

Right after the speech, we have Chef ZieZie, a famous TikTok chef who’ll be taking over in the cooking demonstration. She’s very engaging and friendly and most importantly, her recipes are easy to follow and understand and that's a plus. We also get to experience on hand in making the “Twinkle U.S Potatoes Stars” menu, which I make it into a cute Christmas Tree shape.

Following that we have Chef Taufiq Halim who’s a food sculptor expert doing a live demonstration on how to sculpt and also teach us on how to do it. I’ll be sculpting a deer. It’s not as easy as looking at Chef Taufiq doing his magic trick on it but it was an amazing experience.

The event ended with everyone of us getting a certificate from Chef ZieZie and we got to enjoy a savoury meal that’s based on U.S Potatoes. It was a splendid event where we get to learn and have fun at the same time. Thanks to it, now I got new menu ideas for my Christmas dinner!

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