During the inaugural Pets Day Out event held at Petsmore’s PJ SS2 outlet on 30 September 2015, local media and bloggers were treated to many interesting activities such as the Pet Decoration Contest and Cage Decoration Contest.

Sabrina Quigley of Brandrive Consultancy, the organizer of the event & also the emcee during Petsmore Pets Day Out.
   During the event, the COO of Petsmore, Mr. Sean Saw introduced their latest promotion on their grooming services. Petsmore is giving a great deal so that pet owners may experience the importance of grooming. He added, pets too revel in dolling up. The following attractive deals are offered:

  1. RM150 ONLY for the First Trial Cat Basic Grooming Package. For 5 sessions, customers will save a whopping RM265 when their feline friends get services such as ear cleaning, nail care, and bathing & blow drying.
  2. RM100 ONLY for the First Trial Dog Basic Grooming Package. For 5 sessions, customers will now save a whopping RM195 when their canine friends get services such as eye trimming, leg trimming, ear cleaning, ear hair removal, nail care, shaving of paw pad, stomach, private area, cleaning of anal gland, and bathing & blow drying.
Speech by Mr Sean Saw, the COO of Petsmore Sdn Bhd during Petsmore Pets Day Out.
   He says, “Another sought after service at Petsmore is our Spa Grooming service – Micro Bubbles SPA System. Your pets are in for a total pampering treat as this Micro Bubbles SPA System offers antibacterial deep cleansing, deodorization and moisturization of fur and skin, reducing itchiness, and leaving the pets with a calming effect. This Micro Bubbles SPA System is strictly hypoallergenic and improves therapeutic effects while enhancing the immunity of pets.”

  Meanwhile, their new Pet Hotel was launched in the hope that more pet owners have the peace of mind that their furry family members are well taken care of during their absence. According to Mr. Sean Saw, pet owners may have a tendency to alter or cancel their travel plans if they could not make suitable arrangements for pet care but this is not necessary should they opt to check their pets in Petsmore’s Pet Hotel.

Grooming Demonstration by 10 of Petsmore Professional Pet Stylist during Petsmore Pets Day Out.
   “Our staffs are not only well trained but are animal lovers themselves who are passionate about every pet’s well-being. They understand that the customer’s worry is similar to the concern of a parent about to hand over their beloved child, so rest assured, these pets are in the best hands,” said Mr. Sean Saw.

   Petsmore’s Pet Hotel provides 5-star boarding services to every pet, including individual ventilation system for each hotel room, daily cleaning and disinfection of the room, supply of food and fresh water at all times, as well as daily dry bath grooming for hygiene care and to ensure the pet in good appearance.

   Prices for accommodation start at just RM42 per day for a maximum of one (1) pet at the Superior Suite; and RM73 per day for a maximum of two (2) pets at the Royal Suite.

Petsmore is a one stop solution pet centre that covers all of your pets needs from grooming, boarding to top quality pet products and supplies.

   Meanwhile, Mr. Sean Saw is excited to announce that 18 of 21 Petsmore outlets in Klang Valley have opened their doors after some extensive refurbishments. Gone were the days where Petsmore outlets have narrow walkways with unorganized sections, without pet spa and grooming services.

   The newly refurbished outlets today boast wider walkways with clearer section indicators and new aquatic sections for pet fish lovers. They now have also become a one-stop shop for pet spa and grooming services.

Blogger & Online Media friends are happily qued up to register for the Free Membership which offered by Mr. Sean Saw, the COO of Petsmore Sdn Bhd to all attended invited guest.

   For more information, please visit Petsmore official webpage at www.petsmore.com. You may also become a fan at Petsmore Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/petsmore to get the latest updates and information. Follow us at Instagram Petsmore.

Official website : www.petsmore.com

Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/petsmore


   Cetaphil has release a series of cleansers and moisturizers to fight against skin irritation and keep your skin silky smooth. This gentle skin care products are suitable for babies, young children or even adults with very sensitive skin. Baby, infants or sensitive skin require more attention and care, so it is important to use a mild skin care products. 

   Cetaphil is known as the No 1 dermatological skin care brand in Malaysia. Lets preview two of the star products in this series, gentle skin cleanser and moisturizing cream. Both of these products is suitable for all skin type and fragrance free.

   Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser is suitable for everyday use, its gentle cleansing formula can be used by the most sensitive skin. It helps to retain skin's moisture and remove light make up. As it is pH-balanced so it won't sting eyes. This cleanser also non-comedogenic which means it won't block pores and can be used with or without water.

   Cetaphil moisturizing cream was formulated specially for chronic dry and sensitive skin. It is able to provide long-lasting relief to dry skin and clinically proven to prevent moisture lost because it contains a superior system of extra-strength emollients and humectants. Apply daily to dry skin as needed.

     Till here, stay tuned for my review about Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser and Cetaphil moisturizing cream in next post!

Cetaphil cleansers and moisturisers can now be found at Guardian, Watsons, Caring, VitaCare, Aeon Wellness, hospital pharmacies and clinics and other major independent pharmacies.

*Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser 125ml
  RSP RM22.50

Galderma c/o Zuellig Pharma Sdn Bhd
Tel : +603 7956 6668


   Self-pampering day, woohooo~~ o(≧▽≦)o   Visited to YTP Beauty Nail and Body Care located at Kepong for massage, manicure and pedicure together with my blogger friends few weeks ago. Special thanks to Sylvia and the lady boss Quinn Chen for the invitation to try out their services.

   The environment inside YTP Beauty Nail and Body Care is very modern, comfortable and relaxing. The dim yellow lighting creates a calm and romantic feeling, such a good place to release stress and recharge before back to work. Facilities provided here is in good condition. The staff is very helpful and friendly too.

Receptionist counter.


     CanmakeTokyo日前在庆祝30周年的活动上发布了最新系列的化妆品。喜欢日本品牌的美眉们别错过了! 小巧可爱的包装非常吸引人,耐看又耐用。Canmake产品如今遍布13个国家,它以实惠的价格和高品质的日本制造产品,成为了当红不让的品牌,也带动了最新的化妆风格和潮流。



与摄影师Kelvin Sing合照。
与Tommy Tong部落客合照。

     风趣幽默的主持人,William Lee以玩游戏的方式为活动掀开序幕。来宾只需回答一些简单的问题就可以获得Canmake Tokyo的小礼物,获得大家的踊跃参与。

     马来西亚Teeni Enterprise销售和推广经理Joyce Au表示大马在多方面比如说日本漫画,脚色扮演,娱乐和时装都深受日本影响,这也是Teeni Enterprise在大马市场推出价格相宜的时尚品牌主要原因之一。

     Canmake Tokyo管理海外市场的安西香织说,大马和日本女性在妆容上有相似之处,都偏爱淡妆和自然的效果,所以接下来要为大家介绍的两种妆容‘闪耀明亮’和‘色彩协调’非常适合大马女性。

     此次发布的新产品包括了Juicy Pure Eyes三色眼影(RM39.90)Secret Color Eyes 眼影(RM45.90)Your Lip Only唇彩(RM39.90)Matte & Crystal Cheeks双色腮红(RM49.90)和唇颊两用膏(RM49.90)。这系列里我最喜欢的就是唇颊两用膏了,非常方便使用,一次过搞定唇膏和腮红。别有心思的包装也是吸引我的原因,外出补妆拿出这么可爱的化妆品,朋友们都会问这是哪家的产品。Canmake Tokyo化妆品系列在全国各地的特选莎莎(Sasa)和永旺Wellness商店出售。

Canmake Tokyo发布的新产品。

     这次的系列主要配合节庆的来临,让你在舞会可以‘闪耀明亮(Glossy & Shiny)’示人。自然,清淡和晶莹剔透的妆感配明艳闪亮的唇色肯定为你的打扮加分不少。另一个主题是在日本流行的可爱风格妆容,‘色彩协调(Color Coordinate)’。贴士在于使用Canmake的唇颊两用膏来塑造嘴唇和双颊的色彩统一感,这样就可以看起来像娃娃啦。现场有专业化妆师Meoki为大家示范这两个主题的妆容,两位著名部落客ChanwonCheesie受邀成为模特儿。


     左边Chanwon Tan示范‘闪耀明亮’妆容,右边Cheesie示范的是‘色彩协调’妆容,你喜欢哪个妆容呢?我个人就比较喜欢‘闪耀明亮’妆容,因为看起来很甜美,自然。
部落客Chanwon Tan(左)和Cheesie(右)。


     CANMAKE Tokyo也在会上为近期配合30周年纪念的‘飞向日本’竞赛颁发仪式。周年庆当然少不了切蛋糕仪式。希望在未来的日子CanmakeTokyo会推出更多可爱的日式化妆品,祝Canmake Tokyo 30周年庆快乐!

Canmake Tokyo30周年庆。

      Beauty Expo逛别忘了到Hall 4 4009号以特价购买Canmake产品。‘买二送一’和‘3样产品RM60’的优惠正在进行中。也太便宜了,Canmake Tokyo万岁!

美眉们都在抢购Canmake Tokyo化妆品。

Canmake Malaysia
Sini Kaki
Kelvin Sing Photography提供的部分照片。

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